Results of the state inspection of portals

The chief engineer of the Land of the Clones, along with the High Alchemist and the Commissioner, inspected the portals and were dissatisfied with the state of many of them. After analyzing the available information, they came to the conclusion that many users of the portals do not have the elementary knowledge obtained at the Public School and do not follow the most minimal safety precautions when transporting goods. In addition, such a technologically complex structure as portals requires a deep understanding of the principles of the influence of megalithic structures on the forwarded cargo.

After holding a consultation with the engineers, the Commissioner decided:

Only those clones who have mastered the special skills of working with such structures are allowed to use portals, in other words, they have received the education “ Megalithic Engineer ”.

At the request of the High Alchemist, the Commissioner has postponed the entry into force of these requirements for a week, until 03/23/2023 , so that  everyone who wants to use the portals has enough time to receive the required education.